- Name
- Nickname
- Photo
- Phone number (preferred yes/no)
- Email address (preferred yes/no)
- Home base (location)
Role and Affiliation
- Title
- Organization
- Department
About Me
- Services I provide (be as descriptive as needed)
- Annotate primary responsibilities
- Does it relate to a formal service name or server name? (hard landscape)
- Does is relate to a formal contact method? (hard landscape)
- Who do you consider your primary users? Is there a community around this service? What is it?
- What are your areas of expertise? (soft landscape)
- What are your areas of interest? (soft landscape)
A Day In My Life...
- Who are three people outside of your organization whom you go to for getting your job done?
- Who are three people outside of your organization whom you ''need'' to go to for getting your job done?
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