Many of the tools discussed in this space have their own web presence, some even have multiple sites. This page contains an annotated list of these sites for each tool as well as a brief description of the .
Stellar Images
Thalia is an application and service developed and supported by MIT IS&T. Thalia home
VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) is a "content management" application based on a concept mapping tool. VUE home
Pachyderm is an open source tool for creating Flash-based presentations delivered in a browser. Pachyderm home
MetaMedia is an application and service developed by the Hyperstudio of MIT's Foreign Languages and Literatures department. MetaMedia home
HarvestRoad Hive
HarvestRoad Hive is a commercial content management system. HarvestRoad home
Alfresco is an open source content management system. Alfresco home