Setting up Audio/Visual for ABD Events
Prepared by Lauren Reemsnyder, 2/4/13
- Email to request A/V. We always have the performance audio recorded, and depending on the performer’s needs we sometimes rent speakers, etc. ABD gets a 50% discount on all equipment rental.
- ABD performers request to perform through an online form. The Performing Arts Director should forward the information provided on this form to you. This usually provides some information on what the artist’s A/V needs will be. Note: If the performer hasn't specified whether they would like microphones, I usually ask them what kind of mics they would like first (wireless lapels, wireless hand held, or wired mics on floor stands).
- Make sure you get a confirmation from A/V with a job number, etc., and record the job number.
- After the performance, make sure we receive two audio CD’s. Send one to the artist and one to Jim Eggleston, who keeps a copy of all performances.
- Contact Lauren Reemsnyder ( with questions about setting up A/V for ABD performances.
Here is a sample email:
I'd like to request a technician to be on hand for the Feb. 12 noon ABD event in Killian Hall. The event will be a solo flute performance by Ruth Levitsky. As always, we would like to have the session recorded and to receive two audio CDs afterwards. ABD's account number is 2040600. Please let me know if you need any more information.