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About this TAB

  • This page lists all the initiatives under way in the CSF space.


  • Prototype of a web application providing Touchstone-authenticated REST APIs.More information...

ES Module Design

CSF Application Upgrades


  • Moves is our release management and deployment tool.  Moves docs are all collected under THIS PAGE

Hibernate Upgrade (3.2.5 to 3.6.10)

Project upgrade from Spring 3.0.3 to Spring 3.1.1

  • CSF has upgraded to Spring 3.1.1.  All projects using CSF must upgrade to Spring 3.1.1.  More information...

Message Rule Engine

  • The Message Rule Engine, originally developed for Online Registration, has moved into CSF as a separate module. More information...


  • The Notes module, intended to give users the ability to create electronic "sticky notes" is a work in progress. More information...

OS Workflow

  • Open Symphony Workflow is used by several of our applications, but is no longer maintained by its authors. More information...

Test Data Builder

  • We are working on providing a test-data builder framework that will provide an easy way for unit tests to acquire ready-made objects like Student and AcademicTerm. More information...

CSF Release 2

  • CSF 2 was released in the summer of 2013. This will include, amongst other things, an upgrade to Hibernate 3.6. More information...

CSF Release 3

Using the ROLES test database for software development.

  • It is now required for all software developers to stop using the ROLES production database and to start using the Role test database for software development...More information...

Using the ROLES production database for production software.

  • These are the new application required properties when using the ROLES production database...More information...

Download a complete listing by server of all application properties files.

  • Right click on this link then select Save target as... to download a complete listing by server of all application properties files.
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