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"As we open the cocoon the butterfly comes out for everyone to enjoy. BenQ
will take all that product out to be enjoyed," he added."
- Revenue for 2002 was $5.6 billion up from $3.3 billion in 2001


Source: Financial Times Information
Time: January 30, 2003
Title: "BenQ is Votes Most Innovative Brand in IT Industry"

  • Survey of 210 multinational corporations conducted by ACNielsen International Research
  • BenQ strengths are in:
    • Customer service and research
    • Reputation for innovation
    • Strong presence in Middle East digital/technology styles


Source: TorontoStar Newspaper
Time: May 24, 2004
Title: "Trying to be Sony, in a hurry: Will BenQ brand feast or be eaten?"
Author: David Bruser

-  As soon as the brand campaign launched in 2001, BenQ's laptops, LCD monitors, projectors, cell phones, digital cameras and other products began winning market share, the company says; for 2002, even before its products were being promoted in North America, BenQ claimed 8.1 per cent of the world market share for LCD monitors, 16.8 per cent for scanners and 4 per cent for mobile phones (company figures).
-  For 2003, reported revenue came to $3.55 billion.
-  BenQ reported $490 million (U.S.) in sales last month. The Canada division - part of the Americas arm that includes the U.S. and Mexico - opened for business in October and netted about $11 million (Canadian) in sales in April.
-  Davlouros expects May's figure to reach $15 million. Sales in Canada, Davlouros added, represent about 33 per cent of all sales made in the Americasdivision.

-  After exploring BenQ's Web site, branding expert Jeff Swystun said he likes the notion of the "enjoyment network" that BenQ promotes in its brand literature, that all of its products easily interface to give the consumer an easy-to-use arsenal of digital toys.
-  "All of this is very compelling. It is a white space that is not currently being filled by some of the other product manufacturers - this whole notion of bringing a complete enjoyment experience to the audience and trying to knit it all together so it makes sense," said Swystun of Interbrand. "They're trying to integrate it all for you with a minimum of hassle... and this message is not too complex for the lay consumer to grasp"
-  "BenQ is very consistent with its presentation and though they're dealing with complex products and even a complex notion around integration, it's very clear," he said. "The language on the Web site is very conversational. It's not tech-based. It think that's incredibly wise, to appeal to a larger audience of potential consumers."
-   "It's an envious situation actually because they already have the patents, the innovation behind them," Swystun said. "They have the manufacturing facilities. They obviously have distribution. So what they decided what was missing from it was they hadn't packaged themselves properly to the consumer market. That's where they've made the investment in branding, marketing and sales."

-  "You got to be able to create something from nothing, and that's kind of the art in business," said Jimmy Davlouros, vice-president and general manager of the company's Canada division.
-   Davlouros: "You got to be able to shine somehow. If you're in an industry which is just filled with high-end technologies, you're going to be a me-too player if you (only) come up with the latest and greatest. So you have to depend on branding. You have to depend on flowerpower and bubblegum."


Source: The Globe and Mail Canada
Time: September 2, 2004
Title: "BenQ Storms Consumer Electronics Market"
BenQ Goal: "Over the next five years, our goal is for BenQ to become a $1-billion entity in Canada"

-  BenQ is reaching out to Canadian youths by teaming up with Much Music and Xbox to sponsor the "Xbox presents Much Unleashed 2004 Tour."
-  2004 Euro Cup in Portugal, BenQ logos could be seen in every corner of the playing field

-  "Anyone can experience a growth spurt, but it is very difficult to sustain any competitive advantage over the long term," he adds. "It [consumer electronics] is a space that requires constant innovation in order to combat the challenges of severe product price deflation, falling margins and new competition." - Jerome Hass, portfolio manager with Montrusco Bolton Investments Inc.

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