PIMO2 - Senior Faculty Retreats

These presentations were made at our faculty brainstorming retreats. The speakers were encouraged to present extreme views in order to stimulate thought and discussion about the future of management education. These presentations are being made available here for the same purpose. We are at the start of a process, no decisions have been made, and none are contemplated in the near term.

November 4, 2005

Presentations and notes from November 4

Notes from November 4 Breakout groups

November 18, 2005

Presentations and notes from November 18

March 10, 2006

Presentations and notes from March 10

Please note: the following ppt files may take a few seconds to download

Student Brainstorming Session

Student's presentations and notes - add yours here!

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  1. Anonymous

    I did not know how Prof. Graves for all his qualifications, has transformed himself to a top notch strategic consultant for b-schools!!! If Prof. Simester was saying this, i would have given it some credibility given his relevant expertise.

    The big point that is missed out this technical analysis, is without a top 5 MBA brannd, all other programs like undergrad or LFM or fellows will fail miserably as well. Who wants a undergrad MBA degree from Cal tech or purdue?

    So instead of escaping the core issue of falling standards and rating, we are killing the goose! The main principal issue of dropping applications at Sloan (at faster rate than other schools) is its below par dean office and pathetic CDO directors. Wake up and fix the issue!

  2. Anonymous

    Perhaps the issue with Sloan is that our faculty are completely out of touch with the students. Why in the world would our dean send out presentations to the entire MBA community that some of our own profs think we are a waste of space, inferior to the rest of MIT, and "undistinguished in a crowded field". Do you folks even know that Sloan is a top 5 MBA program? Do you realize the job market for us "overvalued MBAs"?

    How about listening to the students/alum on ways to improve the program? We have plenty of ideas that consistently fall on deaf ears. The pathetic thing is that the majority of us still love Sloan and are proud to be part of the community despite all the nonsense that goes on with the admin/faculty. Why? Because of the amazing student body and the few faculty that care.