This page contains information on Recruitment activities for the MSRED program

Recruitment is a year-round process. To find a "Starting point", consider the annual Recruitment Pitch, which is sent to the Directors and Associate Directors in late April/early May each year, and which details the advertising locations & costs, and planned recruitment events for the next year, as well as data from the prior years' events. (THIS NEEDS UPDATING)

You may find the latest Recruitment Pitch here:

Page:  Advertising/PromotionPage:  Extended Open HousePage:  Virtual Sessions/Campus Visits

Recruitment largely centers around advertisements for events and 'calls-to-action' (Apply Now!).

The largest recruitment event is the Extended Open House

Aside from this large event, most recruiting interactions are as follows:

  • Emails seeking more information/a meeting

  • Phone calls seeking more information/a meeting

  • In-person visits for a meeting with the Grad Admin and/or Assistant

  • In-person visits for the day (sit in on a class, meet a student, meeting with the Grad Admin/Assistant)

    • These visits typical begin in October and end around Thanksgiving so students can get their feet under them when the first arrive in Aug/Sept, and can focus on their finals after Thanksgiving.

    • In the spring, visits begin in March (after admissions decisions are sent out, and continue until the end of April (again so students may focus on finals).

    • There may be visits in the summer, but they're less frequent.


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