Anne's address at ACS on receiving the Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award, 2006
Polymers I Like the Best
Say, Anne-M-M-A-Y-E-S,
How do you like the ACS?
I do like the ACS,
And polymers I like the best.
So you like polymers the best?
I do, says Anne-M-M-A-Y-E-S.
I studied them when I left Oklahoma.
I studied them to get my diploma.
I studied them with brilliant mentors
And with ingenious co-inventors.
We modeled them with path integrals.
We made them from expensive chemicals.
We studied their structure microscopic.
Self-assembly at surfaces was a favorite topic!
Yes, I so like the ACS.
And polymers I like the best.
Did you like to study them with your friends?
Yes, I liked to study them with my friends.
I studied them even with ex-husbands!
I studied them with grants from ONR.
And without NSF I’d not have gone far!
I fought about them with referees.
I thought about them over coffees and teas.
I taught about them in my classes,
Such as their transition from rubbers to glasses.
I read about them in C&E News.
I wrote about them in Macromolecules.
Yes, I so like the ACS,
And polymers I like the best.
I researched them with many a student.
We spoke about them with manners imprudent
We discussed them while riding in cars.
We discussed them while drinking in bars.
We discussed them while attending meetings.
We discussed them even during lab cleanings!
We studied them with neutron beams.
We made up new reaction schemes.
We modeled them by simulation.
Baroplastics were our own creation!
We studied them for growing tissues.
We studied them for water issues.
We made batteries here and membranes there.
We put those comb polymers anywhere!
Would you, could you, do it again?
I would, if I could, do it again.
Ours is not to question “when”.
I want to thank you, everyone,
For making 20 years polymers such fun.
I do so like the ACS,
And thank you for listening to my Award address.
Thank you, thank you, says Anne-M-M-A-Y-E-S.