FY11 Goals (Short-term, and ongoing)
Virtual Site
- Keep up with production needs of our web sites and virtual interfaces.
- Pursue staffing needs and outsourcing to be able to do #1 and to be able to accommodate new externally-imposed projects.
- Stabilize our web content management system, starting with improving our WordPress expertise. (outside consultant, reading)
- Help coordinate and lead new AMPS video web site, Excellence in Teaching. (working with Lightning & Trumpet)
- Beta test mobile versions of our catalog (MIT's Worldcat mobile)
- Work with MIT to add libraries to the MIT iPhone and Android app, and update the MIT Libraries mobile web site.
- Improve the DSpace@MIT user interface. (Systemwide UX Objective, with AMES & LDLC) (past usability & heuristic data)
- Improve the Vera interface to help students find and use more and better resources to inform their library research. (Systemwide UX Objective) (usability testing)
- Gather baseline data about how our spaces are currently being used. (Systemwide UX Objective) (observational study)
- Learn about the relative value of our services from our users' perspectives, identified by communities of practice. (Systemwide UX Objective) (past data, ethnographic/interviews study, focus groups)
- Learn something about which communication methods (for marketing) are best for different user groups of the the MIT community. (ethnographic/interviews)
- Evaluate e-book packages for best options. (heuristic study)
- Use our web statistics to learn more about how our tools/sites are currently used.
- Identify and assess new and existing communication channels to reach our target audiences. (emerging tech subgroup work, betas, feedback from betas)
- Understand how the MIT community uses e-readers. (device usability study or part of ethnographic study interviews)
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