GR4 Computer Prototype: RocketScienceInk

System Requirements

Our application was tested on Google Chrome on Mac OSX 10.7, and Internet Explorer on Windows 7.


Just point your web browser to here.

Note: there might be 30 seconds delay the first time you access the page.

Incomplete Parts of the Prototype

The following pages are canned:

  • Profile page: the only profile you'll see is Tim Beaver's.
  • Artists for the artist search.

The following features are not implemented:

  • Artist search filters. 
  • Analysis results: response is fixed.
  • Signup functionality: clicking submit will simply redirect user to the main page.
  • Login functionality.
  • Browse as guest will simply redirect user to the main page.
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

    Here are my comments for this prototype: Rocket Science Heuristic Evaluation _by M. Chen

    Good job! 

  2. Unknown User (

    Looks pretty good, guys. Here are my comments: Sunil Gupta's heuristic evaluation.pdf

  3. Unknown User (

    Good start! Sounds like a cool idea. Here are my comments: Rebecca Krosnick's heuristic evaluation of RocketScience

  4. Wiki presentation: - A little more indication of what the prototype consists of, and what the user can do with it would have been better than simply listing the things that are not '- Because your GR3 did not have a very clear scenario, this is particularly important.
    '- Could have used instructions to whether to create an account, use a fake account or sign in as a guest.

    Fidelity: - Implementation seems to cover the scenario. It's intuitive enough to know what can/should be done.

    Usability: - Even though I typed in totally different passwords, the system didn't observe safety in preventing me from continuing with the sign up.
    '- What does the number next to analyse mean? Doesn't seem to be reflecting any changes I make to the inkbox.
    '- The instructions for adding/removing selections is confusing. Try to phrase it so you don't confuse the user. It sounds almost as if you should drag and drop for both selecting and deleting. 'Trash' is also not a very good word.
    '- No recovery if I select something, and then trash it. It doesn't get added back to the list in browser.
    '- Tatoos look a bit small, maybe some kind of overlay that shows an enlarged version of the tattoo when you hover for more than 3 seconds? For things like tattoos, it would seem that detail is the most important.