

A SERM is a monograph that is received through Serials Acquisitions; the word SERM itself is a shortened form of "Serial Multipart," which is an old style of order forms SerAcq used to use.

All SERMs receive location and property stamps but no barcodes are attached. A printout of receipt history record containing SerAcq’s check-in notes accompanies all material. These notes include the title of the standing order under which each piece is received and, if the title is a monographic series, an indication as to whether that series is classed separately or classed together in the MIT Libraries. The notes will also indicate if the SERM is part of an ongoing conference that’s classed together, if it’s part of a blanket order, or if it’s within a mono-in-parts. If the SERM is classed together, the root call number is provided.

SerAcq staff places SERMs on designated shelves (outside of Jennifer Banks’ office), from which Jane Marcus retrieves them to add to the Wall. She gives any rushes directly to Gordon Thomas.

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