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DS Metrics Definitions table goes here.

Means of Production elaborated on when it isn't obvious.  Denotes the systems involved, how the counts are generated, any caveats.

New Metrics Ideas listed at the bottom.

What We Have



Definition and Source

Current Understanding of Metric


Producer and Detailed Means of Production

Published At

Other Notes


DDM AdminIT Visits

Visits requested of DLCs based on their schedule for maintenance.

Chuck alerts DLC individuals that their checkup is due; many schedule a visit (some do not).


Chuck K




DDM Desktop Renewals

Deployments done

The goal is to even out resource load by having a similar number of refresh deployments per quarter.  You don't want a surge every three years, or in a particular quarter; levelling would require acceleration of some requests to load balance.


Chuck K


True comparisons here are best done with data from 3 years ago (which was when this set of equipment was last refreshed.)


DDM Client DLCs Enrolled

Number of different DLCs with enrollment in the program

How broadly across the Institute does the coverage extend?


Chuck K




Bomgar Utilization

Bomgar sessions by Team

Bomgar is the current tool for remote interaction with a client's computer from an agent's machine.  IS&T has a set of licenses for the DS service and Call Center, and shares some with Sloan.  How much is it being used?


Chuck K runs a report on the Bomgar server


Research is going on into whether WebEx can replace this, but Bomgar will be around for FY2010.



Count of DLC Long-Term SLA clients

Usually annual contracts for a certain number of consulting hours committed per week.  this is the count of DLCs with such relationships, regardless of size.


Chris Lavallee


Chris has a Word doc table that I need to update these from


MDS SLA hours

Long-Term SLA Hours Per Week

Weekly Consulting hours is the aggregate of the Long-Term SLA time commitments per week.  It has a direct effect on staffing levels in the team.


Chris Lavallee


Chris has a Word doc table that I need to update these from



Count of tickets of this type created

This covers short-term project work or fix-its not in the scope of the Long-Term SLAs.  Charges for time and materials.


Chris Lavallee


Chris has a Word doc table that I need to update these from


DS PLUS Clients

N of individuals covered by the program

How many people are being covered?  Has a direct impact on staffing the service, especially if 100% availability is the goal.


Pat Curtis


This one is new for Q2 actually.



N of DLCs covered by the program



Pat Curtis




DS PLUS Tickets

Tickets created

Total tickets in RT DS::DSPLUS queue. 


Pat Curtis


Pat says that RT doesn't tell the whole story in this relationship-driven work queue.  Sometimes the team does work and then creates tickets about it a while afterward.


DCAD New Development Projects

Count of Development Projects that are New this quarter

Total or broken down by type, represents the new crop of work as old work finishes up.


Jeff Reed


Desired to break this down by DCAD Project Type; current Daptiv report can do that.


DCAD Development Projects Already Underway

Count of Development Projects that were already started and carried on during the quarter.

This is the load of ongoing work to which the new projects are added to get total load on the consultants.


Jeff Reed


Desired to break this down by DCAD Project Type; current Daptiv report can do that.



Count of SLAs acquired this quarter







DCAD Ongoing SLAs

Count of SLAs already in the portfolio





Ideas for Additional Metrics

1. AdminIT will be changing its focus and methodology markedly in Q3.  DDM's Desktop Renewals and AdminIT will be rolled up into a common service involving much more remote intervention to replace visits.

2. DCAD Project Time Elapsed -- to report on how long it takes a typical development project to run to completion.  Requires a different time tracking tool than daptiv.  Jeff is experimenting with Harvest, a web-based tool that can feed Quickbooks (which powers the rest of Jeff's work in-take and invoicing processes.)

NB: Other DCAD Metrics Ideas are explored in the team's wiki at these DCAD Metrics pages   They include N of DLCs, repeat business, and Revenue.

3. DS PLUS -- Time Worked per ticket.  RT has a field that easily captures this, if the agent is working on the ticket directly to record it in the field.  Some tickets are created well after the work was done and would depend on recall of how long it took.

4. MDS and DDM -- Altiris Coverage and Utilization -- how many of the client machines in these communities have the Altiris client installed; how much of that population is polled through the Altiris tool?

5. DDM -- Deployment Cycle Times-- how long does a deployment take, from inception to delivery?  Then to billing?  These would be readouts of variables kept in the DDM database tool.  Should measure maximum as well as median, to get "worst case" as well as typical.  Goal would be to reduce the maximum closer to the median, and have the median be in an acceptable range.

6. DS-PLUS Overall Client Satisfaction with DS-PLUS interactions.  Patrick is fine with surveying the tickets, assuming that we filter out the obvious don't-survey targets, like the President, Provost, Chancellor, etc.  Surveying their staff, with whom many RT tickets are registered anyway, would be productive and interesting.

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