
Group Members

  • Eryn Maynard
  • Arkady Blyakher
  • Naomi Hinchen
  • TA: Vijay Umapathy

Problem Statement

When you're living with other people, paying bills can become complicated. Households generally want to make sure that

  • bills are paid on time,
  • each roommate pays their share of the bills,
  • there is an up to date account on household expenses.

Even with the help of spreadsheets like Excel, the task of keeping an up to date count on who owes what and overall expenses can be difficult and time consuming. If one roommate feels that they are paying for more than their other roommates, it can cause resentment in the household. Also, miscommunication in a household can result in bills being paid late, causing unnecessary fees.

Goal: To help individuals living together keep track of and pay household expenses.

GR1 - Task Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR6 - User Testing

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. GR5 comments (since there was no page): 

    Overall nice job implementing changes from user testing.  It would have been nicer to have less of those button rendering glitches, but those crashes like the one in the meeting suggest an incomplete back-end.