GR1 - Task analysis

User analysis

Both admins and users are likely relatively young, as they are partygoers and partythrowers.

  • Admin
    • Age 15-30
    • Comfortable with standard music players(Winamp, iTunes etc)
    • Familiar with installing and running programs, network configuration
  • User
    • Age 15-30
    • Varying levels of tech savvy, ranging from basic internet browsing on smartphone upwards

Interview quotes and related personas

DJ Aaron: Half of my job is trying to judge what the people want to hear and request lists are usually a joke

  • Aaron (Admin User) age 22, loves music and hosting parties. Has trouble creating exact playlists before a party and can't afford a good DJ.

Sean V.: I go to a lot of parties, but sometimes the music is just bad. I wait through 10 songs that make my ears bleed for one good one.

  • Sean (User) age 19, likes music outside of the top 40. loves dance parties, but wants input on what gets played.

Julia G.: I like the music that gets played most of the time...I mean, music selection shouldn't be that hard...there's billboard lists for that.

  • Julia (User) age 25, loves the top 40 except for a few artists. Likes the standard mix

Task analysis


Vote for songs


Have songs users desire played.


  1. Go to server website
  2. Show list of available songs
  3. Select songs you like
  4. Vote to send votes to server


  • Working network connection
  • Browsing capability
  • Song still on list when votes are sent
  • Know url for server

Time commitment and frequency

Must be done quickly, as users want to party. Might be checking often for updated lists


  • Songs is no longer available
  • Song is already playing
  • Lost network connection
  • Already voted on song

Create Song list


Create a list of songs available to voted on.


  1. View songs in library
  2. Select songs in library
  3. Set initial song order or vote seeding.
  4. Save list


  • Songs are in library
  • Is admin user

Time commitment and frequency

Will be done preparty, no hard time limit.

Add music to library


Make music available to be voted on, played, and added to lists


  1. Obtain music file
  2. Find location of music file
  3. Go to server website
  4. Login as admin
  5. Add the music file to library


  • Server is running
  • Working network connection
  • Music file is available

Time commitment and frequency

High frequency for initial setup of library. Then it will likely be low frequency and determined on an event by event basis.


  • File not found
  • Incompatible file format
  • Upload failure

Domain analysis

1 Comment

  1. - For users analysis, is admin the DJ? Does this user class have certain knowledge of mixing music?

    - Have your group decided this to be website on phone? or phone app?
    - A bit unclear about the flow of the system and usage scenario. In the end, is it something like: admin creates songs, people votes for songs, admin then plays the most voted songs? Can the playlist change on the fly? Do you handle music requests at any time after the playlist is finalized?