This page is dedicated to biweekly discussion.
Topic: Transportation in China: Past, Current and Future
02.20.2011 - Sunday - Starts at 6:30pm - @143 Albany Street, Apt 014 - Lasts 75 -90 min - Snack and water provided
Call 617-800-4916, 高斐, when you need assistance upon arrival
1. The purpose of transportation (10-15 min)
a) Human needs [Fei]
b) Driving behavior [Ying]
2. Technology perspective (20 min)
a) Available technical solutions and their pros and cons [Rong and Benyue]
Case study: High speed railroad; electronic car, London, Mexico City
3. Economical perspective (20 min) [Cuicui]
a) Leverage and tradeoff: e.g. public vs. private
b) The impact on economy
c) Policy solutions
4. System perspective (15 min)
a) Urban planning
b) Design of logistic system [Cissy]
c) How the previous aspects interact with each other?
5. Free Discussion (5-10 min)
Reading Materials
- The Past and Future of Global Mobility, 2010/11/10
Fei(11/2/14): A short article about the shift of transportation technology from the aspect of people and people's wealth.
Fei(11/2/14): Interview with Andreas Schafer, CTPID(MIT Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development) Principal Research Engineer
Cuicui(11/2/10): This article reports some (old) facts about US high-speed-rail plan.
Cuicui(11/2/10): This article reports recent facts about US high-speed-rail plan (with more skepticism and objection coming up).
Cuicui(11/2/10): This article expresses objection to the high-speed-rail plan. It plots the density of the high-speed-rail network with population density, showing that while China under-built high-speed-rail (and thus China's high-speed-rail plan is justified), Obama's goal will push US to over build high-speed-rail relative to its population density.
Rong(11/2/13): This article listed 7 common strategies to deal with city traffic congestion problem and introduced the corresponding best practices established around the world.
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Chair: Fei Gao
External Relations: Benyue Liu
Logistics: Rong Yuan
Record: Cuicui Chen
Attendees: Ying Wang