Color & Arrow Design. The dominant graphic is a green arrow pointing to "You are here". Wing used color liberally and lots of smaller images to create a playful look, one which invites users to explore.

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  1. I love the use of different font sizes and colors but find the overall design a bit overwhelming -- so much cool stuff on the secondary pages that I don't know where to look. Again, I'd take some of this "funness" and apply to design 1.

  2. Design 2 likes:
     Great use of color. The use of lots of small pictures engages the viewer, and encourages play. Really like the "New Employees Orientation" color branding.

     However, it's a bit more effort finding the info you need than I think we want to expose new employees to.

    Change Suggestions:
     New Employees Orientation --> New Employee Orientation
     Prefer round "Community" balloon object (vs. oblong object) with vertical "Community"
     On the top page, prefer lower right location of the Community object

  3. Fabulous fun...and yet clean and clear. Especially love home page. On the lower level, not sure how we feel about some of a single paragraph being in large, bold color and some being in plain small black. The text block loses its cohesiveness. Maybe a re-balanced percentage of big colored text to plain black? If it doesn't bother anybody else, probably fine.

    Love what Wing is doing with the Resources box on this and other pages in all design directions!

    Also, just a note, that this was placeholder text. The actual text has evolved from here.