See updates to summer homework doc here
1.2. - MOF
- Waiting for MOF contact to get back June 26th
4 - Make new podcasts
- Out of the options that Dave L. presented, it sounds like the Topical interviews are the best bet – option #1
- Important to have one primary audiencein mind:
- An informed public; an audience who cares
- Think Radio-lab style – make the audience feel smart, or at least smart enough to talk about climate issues at a dinner party
- What's the "meta-message"? –
- Give people a sense of efficacy around climate change - make climate change a little more front and center in their lives, enough to act
- *Explain the mechanics of climate change, not just the hard science - people tend to be more accepting
- End each episode with a practical behavior request?
- Climate Conversations owns the "climate justice stuff" - MIT Climate podcast can own the science - *different audiences
- A/B testing audience = good place to start
- Laur is interested in hosting
- News Office angle – could be a co-release with them – MIT replies to popular news stories having to do with climate science - would have to figure out a way to act quickly in response
- More of a "fireside chat" version of a podcast
How do we start getting people in? Go after prioritized topics and guests over the next 2-3 weeks