August 12-17, 2019
Syöte, Finland
- Elizabeth Kendall - SRI -
- Anthea Coster - MIT -
- Bill Rideout - MIT -
- Roger Varney - SRI -
- Ashton Reimer - SRI -
- Thomas Ulich - SGO -
- Anita Aikio - Oulu -
- Ian McCrea - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Craig Heinselman - EISCAT -
- Carl-Fredrik Enell - EISCAT -
- Antti Kero - SGO -
IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger
- pyAMISR python toolkit
Nygren paper on radar and alternating codes
Past years ISR school wiki pages
MIT small radar site
09:00 Shuttle from Oulu train station to Pikku-Syöte
11:00 Arrive at Pikku-Syöte, Check-in, accommodate everyone
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome (Thomas Ulich, Elizabeth Kendall)
Introduction of participants and instructors (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)
Addressing computer needs and other logistics (Thomas Ulich, Bill Rideout)
Group assignments (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)
13:45 Introduction to the Ionosphere (Anita Aikio)
14:30 Radar as a Black Box (Bill Rideout)
15:15 Break
15:45 Radar 1: Radar Physics (Anthea Coster)
16:30 ISR Theory 1: The Short Introduction to Incoherent Scatter (Anita Aikio)
17:15 Ionosphere – Radar Data Examples (Anita Aikio)
17:30 MADRIGAL Database and Group Work (Bill Rideout)
19:00 Dinner
20:00 OPEN: Elective: MIT IAP Small Radar discussion and demonstration (Phil Erickson who is doing this, or do we skip it?)
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Ionosphere – Radar Data Example Discussion (Anita Aikio)
08:45 Radar 2 (Ilkka Virtanen)
09:30 Radar 3: Statistical Signal Processing (Roger Varney)
10:15 Break
10:45 ISR Theory 2 (Roger Varney)
11:30 Interpreting Incoherent Scatter Radar Data (Ian McCrea)
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Experiment Design and Data Analysis (Carl-Fredrik Enell, Roger Varney, and Bill Rideout)
14:15 Arecibo, and Jicamarca modes during experiments (Elizabeth Kendall)
14:30 Experiment Design (group work)
15:00 Break
15:30 Experiment Design (group work)
18:00 Deadline to submit group experiments
19:00 Start of Experiment Night – see separate timetable
(16 UTC to 22 UTC, 2 h per group, 2 groups parallel, 19 LT - 01 LT)
Dinner – interleaved with experiments
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 EISCAT Scientific Association (Craig Heinselman)
09:00 The NSF Upper Atmosphere Facilities Program (Carrie Black via video link)
09:30 ISR Theory 3 (Ian McCrea)
10:15 Retrieve radar data and start to work on group assignments (coffee available for break)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Excursion
19:00 Banquet
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Pitfalls in Geophysical Data: Dealing with Errors (Thomas Ulich)
09:15 Data Analysis and Fitting 1 (Ashton Reimer and Roger Varney)
10:00 Break
10:30 Data Analysis and Fitting 2: (Carl-Fredrik Enell)
11:15 ISR Science Highlights (Ian McCrea et al.)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 History of Radar (including some facts about SGO; Thomas Ulich)
13:30 Work on assignment and presentation (coffee available for break)
19:00 Dinner
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Question and answer session (all)
10:00 Break
10:30 Active ionospheric modification (Antti Kero)
11:15 Phased arrays (Craig Heinselman)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 AMISR (Roger Varney)
13:30 EISCAT_3D (Craig Heinselman)
14:00 Work on assignments and presentations (coffee available for break)
19:00 Dinner
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Student presentations (3x30 min)
10:00 Break
10:30 Student presentations (3x30 min)
12:00 Conclusions, Evaluations, and Closing Discussions
12:30 Lunch and packing
14:00 Departure: Shuttle from Pikku-Syöte to Oulu train station