General Plan

  1. Team introduction

  2. Learning to use the tools (Wiki, Python and Eclipse, Subversion, Madrigal)

  3. Learning about the ionosphere, incoherent scatter radar, GPS, and scientific databases. The REU lecture series will give a starting point. You can also explore the links on our Space Science Resources page - in particular, pay attention to the links in the first paragraph. A general GPS introduction for ionospheric studies is here

  4. An entertaining way to get a very broad introduction is to view Episode 1 of our Space Weather FX video podcast series.

  5. Learn about GPS occultation CEDAR talk COSMIC home page COSMIC pdf

  6. Learn about COSMIC data format and downloading procedure. Ask [ Kerri Cahoy]; look at these web sites COSMIC DATA 1 and COSMIC 2 and then ask Anthea for user name and password.

  7. Select dates and times of interest due to geophysical events and available data with team members.

  8. Write python code to automate download process.

  9. Write python code to automate download other sources of data in Madrigal.

  10. Experiment with proper visualization of COSMIC data and write python code to automate.

  11. Meet with group to discuss geophysical observations in data and possible further work.

Project Rules

  1. The project will be documented in the OpenRadar wiki.

  2. OpenOffice will be used when an office suite is necessary. (e.g. OpenDraw for planning drawings)

  3. Software will be written following our python software conventions.

  4. All project designs, software, and documents outside the wiki will be revision controlled using Subversion.

  5. The official IDE will be Eclipse.

Approximate Timeline

  • June 2, 2008 : Students Arrive

  • June 3, 2008 : First Team Meeting

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