Here are some ways you can contribute to the Climate Collaboratorium....

 Anyone can:

If you like to write or create art, you can:

  • Create fictional stories or other artistic representations of the possible future worlds described by plans
    (this functionality will become available on the site in October 2009)

If you like numbers, you can:

If you like to simplify complex ideas for others, you can:

If you are an expert in a field related to climate change, you can:

If you are a computer programmer, you can:

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  • No labels


  1. I'm not so sure about being explicit about labeling categories of people - like "if you are (an) X" - seems to pigeonhole before a person even gets to think about what they really want.  I think true self-selection would be possible if we could organize things around types of tasks rather than groups of people.  

    -- edit --

    (is there anyone who is not objective)  I know *I* certainly am. (wink)

    1. Something like:

      •  Explore and refine models
        • yada yada yada
      • Create content
        • yadayadayada
      • Evaluate the science
        • yadayadayada
      • Moderate the debates
        • yadayadayada
      • Extend the software
        • yadayadayada

      That's not entirely right - just meant as an idea.

    2. After seeing your comment, I just removed the comment about "objective."

      I think that is the most "subjective" thing in the list, and it is probably better to say that somewhere in the rules for moderators, rather than at this high level.

  2. I do think it is important to differentiate the categories because it helps people feel identified... For example, if I get in and the first thing I read is "Evaluate the science" I think "This is not for me" and get out of here...

    Remember the idea of this page is mostly to engage those that are not "super model techy" (if that means anything at all ;o) )

    1. Yes, in general, people know much more about themselves than about our tasks.

      1. Ok - maybe I'm just strange, and that's fine if we want to agree on that.  But my immediate reaction to the page was to be slightly offended by the perceived implications such as:

        • if i'm not an expert, i can't evaluate others comments
        • if don't feel like incorporating new information on climate change, i'm not a logical thinker (which may be in fact proven by my intuitive invocation of an inductive fallacy).  (or rather, I have to ask myself whether or not I'm a logical thinker before choosing to look further into the proposed tasks).

        There were others - but basically, it comes down to not wanting to be externally defined. 
        Perhaps just my psychology, and I don't want to overstate it, but are we confident that that is not a common psychology, and is there any way to avoid this kind of thing while providing the necessary info to allow people to self-select?

        1. Let's get feedback from more people, including people outside our group.

          Some of your concerns could be taken care of by rewriting in minor ways (e.g., not mentioning on this page that "ordinary users" can't vote on some things).

          But I think we should get a sense of how common the negative reaction to being "pigeon-holed" would be among a wider group of people.

          1. makes sense to me (i mean - your comment.  it makes sense. sounds good. i agree)

            1. Anonymous

              education and education from the early age...(smile)

  3. Anonymous

    How about we make it simple and return to a more gregarian life style?