Attendees: Garry, Oliver, Patrick, Chris, Steve and Pat

  • SE Pipeline
    • Steve is transitioning to Pat 10/13
    • fits well with our idea of a IS&T Pipeline
    • will need to better define charter for Pipeline as we work on Release Core team charter
      • membership and roles
    • need to transition Pipeline calendar and have maintenance in the charter (Pat will work on with group in October)
    • also need list-serv for public change communication
  • review project plan - high level milestones with dates and time estimates PS Release Processes Phase II Project Plan.xlsx
  • discuss data sources - TABLE: we can pull from them later
  • determine data model
    • better define what info/fields we want and architecture
      • Pat will secure resource from Data Management (Scott Thorne confirmed!) to assist in this effort
        • scheduled 10/6/10 from 3-5pm in N42-202
          • business process mapping
          • data dictionary
          • conceptual model
          • schema
      • Release Core will to a stab at drafting data model in prep for DM session
      • will decide after first DM session whether we need another
  • try and determine what type of repository/data base would work
    • TABLE: but we do not want to limit ourselves in terms of future options and interoperability
      • let's look at Data Warehouse as a tool first
        • look at how data relates
        • what feeds the data
      • need version control
  • determine if we need funding to accomplish this and resources (DCAD?)
    • TABLE: do data model first before determining, but will need strong case to get addition funds
  • decide who will update the checklists with lessons learned - Steve and Patrick will incorporate feedback and send to the group for review
    • we are getting feedback from staff about what is clear and what needs clarification or addition information
      • need to help folks understand what we mean
        • better define risk for people - risk of failure
        • is this service delivery as opposed to "release"?
          • people are not sure what we mean by release as there are many definitions across the organization
    • need to better define tools used in the process
      • establish process for tools as part of business process map and team charter
9/28: Sponsor meeting
9/30: Working session to create first draft of conceptual model for portfolio
10/6: Working session to do formal data model with Data Management Team
10/14: Release Core charter
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