- Notes
- How does 3Down operate now?
- RSS already exists... pull this in
- Modify interface on 3Down so that people that are updating information can update the web page status
- Issues
- Get HTML and Images and CSS, etc. to update a variety of websites ASAP
- 3Down
- Certificates
- Dean-on-call Database
- Others (DHCP Registration, IP Address
- To Do's
- Figure out best way to pull info from 3Down into Alfresco (RSS, URL)
- Escalate Jeff's server concerns
- Who can explain WHAT IS NEEDED for system architecture?
- Other Issues
- Main page has to be static HTML? Jeff doesn't believe that the IS&T homepage should be an active page... it should sit in an AFS locker?
- Slashdot...
- Top level pages should be static - HTML published once an hour?
- Can the homepage be static? What about the other functionality on the homepage (and other top level pages)?
- "Whats Happening?" section
- Help Desk Top 5
- System Status
- System status is on "services and resources" and the "homepage" (Example of static page RSS feed: web/teachtech)(JS to RSS: rss.mit.edu)
- Searching internal websites
- Google does not support certificates
- Search engine would need knowledge of our authorizations
- Search would not work in protected areas (and that is how it works now)
- There will need to be sections within the site that will need to be certificate protected
- The "AAA" requires javascript
- Images need to work even if Alfresco is down
- Browswer testing
{"serverDuration": 98, "requestCorrelationId": "f4ce04cba0dac9cc"}