- Platform and Software Requirements- Our project is a web application, and can run on Mozilla Firefox or on Google Chrome.
- Describe which parts of the prototype are shallow (incompletely implemented or canned), so that your evaluators know what should work and what shouldn't.
- General:
- Window resizing has not been implemented.
- "Create Post" has a form already filled instead of a blank form.
- Login page:
- We are not doing any user validation. We are not checking whether the user has an MIT certificate or not. For non-MIT sign ups, any username/password can be entered
- Sign up does not create the user in the backend.
- "Browse" tab:
- Filtering does not actually filter posts, although the filters are displayed.
- Only clicking on the first post i.e. "Microsoft Internship" displays the post as an overlay.
- On the post overlay, the "Follow" button has no effect, nor does "Message" button
- "My Posts" tab
- Deleting a post from "My Posts" removes it from the display but does not change the count of posts. Similarly, unfollowing a post removes it from "Posts Followed by Me", but does not change the count of posts.
- On the post overlay, the "Delete" button has no effect
- "Previous" and "Next" links for posts have no effect
- "Messages" tab:
- Messages cannot be deleted.
- Sending messages does not show it in sent folder; similarly message updates are also not updated.
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1 Comment
Vijay Umapathy
Nice job adhering to the heuristics mentioned in class, and also for making some edits after we met early this week.
I see you added feedback for when the user clicks the "follow" button but its still not immediately obvious that state has changed, since the text "Follow" and "Unfollow" are similar and in the same color / size, etc. To get a better sense of this for GR5, try the squint test yourselves to think of ways to make this clearer.
Another thing I noticed was that the view for "reply" for a given message blocks the original message, which makes the task of replying a bit more difficult (most email or messaging sites like Facebook let you see what it is you are replying to).
Also, in the "create post" view, the "submit" button is blocked from view (you need to scroll to see it) and that should be addressed.