
RClone is used by CRE to migrate massive amounts of data to SharePoint, primarily for archival purposes.


1. Install rclone

If you haven't already, you need to install rclone. You can download it from the official rclone website.

2. Configure rclone for SharePoint

Run rclone config in your terminal or command prompt. This starts an interactive setup process:

  • n: Create a new remote.
  • Name your remote: Give a name to your SharePoint remote configuration (e.g., cre-backup1).
  • Storage Type: Choose the number associated with Microsoft OneDrive or WebDAV (SharePoint uses WebDAV protocol).

  • URL: Enter the URL of your SharePoint site. It usually looks like[site-name]/.
  • Vendor: Choose Sharepoint if prompted.
  • User and Password: Enter your Kerberos username and password.

3. Complete the Configuration

After entering these details, you'll be prompted with more configuration options. You can generally accept the default settings for these. Once done, rclone will save your configuration.

4. Test the Connection

Before proceeding with uploads, it's a good idea to test your connection. You can list directories in your SharePoint site with:

rclone lsd yourRemoteName:

Replace yourRemoteName with the name you gave your SharePoint remote in step 2.

5. Upload Files to SharePoint

To upload files, use the rclone copy or rclone sync command. For example:

rclone copy /path/to/local/folder yourRemoteName:remoteFolder

This command will copy files from your local folder to the SharePoint folder. Replace /path/to/local/folder with the path to your local directory and remoteFolder with the destination folder in SharePoint.


  • Authentication: If your SharePoint uses modern authentication, you might need to set up rclone with a client ID and secret.
  • Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions on SharePoint to upload files.
  • Large Files: For uploading large files, rclone has flags to control chunk size and other parameters which can be useful.
  • Progress Flag: Use --progress to include a progress indicator in the command line window.

See also

  • Rclone on Archives Processing Manul - great resource for using RClone

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