It would be good for anyone involved in running our Yankee tournament to read the Yankee Tournament Director Guidelines:

Booking Gym: Before we go to our draft, we have to figure out when we  have available gym space. We do this by emailing the lovely Sandy Lett  ( and request times that are good for us. Ideally get  this done in the summer before the August draft for the fall  tournament, and in the fall before the December draft for the spring  tournament. Also find a triples tournament date.

I think it's possible that you could ask for ALL dates in the fall, I'm not sure.  It would be good to get them early if we can.  In theory I think we have to get these dates approved by the CSC (Club Sports Council) too, but Sandy will usually hold the dates pending that and the CSC has always approved them.

Draft: Someone with a car should drive to the Yankees draft and pick  tournaments + dates for us. Get to know people so you can trade  tournaments/dates if there is a problem.
-Darcy, Vivian

Collecting Checks+Emailing tournament captains: The period of time  prior to a tournament, many tournament captains will be mailing you  checks for their tournament. Collect and keep these checks safe but do  not cash them until after the tournament. (to make sure that they show  up). If you live in a dorm, make sure that your desk workers know that  "women's volleyball club" mail will go to you. Email tournament  captains prior to tournaments to remind them of payment.
-Tournament Direcotr

Paperwork: (Usually the week before tournament) A lot of paperwork  needs to be done prior to the tournament including:
1) Checking to make sure that teams have filled out their roster and  double checking on Yankee website to make sure all ratings/memberships  are correct, and if any teams will be over ranked.
2) Figure out how team lineups. (ie. who gets late start, if there are  2 MIT teams, do they play each other?)
3) Make sure there are enough scoresheets/libero tracking/lineup/ tournament sheets the day of the tournament. At each table there  should be sufficient paperwork for the day. Paperwork can usually be  found in the volleyball closet.

This is a good place to get forms:

-Tournament Director

Refs: (2 weeks before tournament) We need to hire Refs prior to the  tournament. There are rules online about how many Refs/court. Ask Darcy.
-Darcy + Person in training (if necessary)?

You need to have 1.5 refs/court, which is why it's always good to have an even #
of courts since there are no 1/2 refs.  (smile)   There is an online NOVA system to
request the refs - you'll get email about this if you are the official
Tournament Director (TD) in the system.

Awards: (week before tournament) Awards need to be purchased for the  winners. Traditionally have been bags, lawn chairs, tshirts, gift  cards ~ $5-$10. Make sure there are at least 8 of type of gift (for a  whole team). Whether or not 1st/2nd place get it is at the discretion  of Tournament Director.
- someone who has a steady salary (can be costly until reimbursed)

PreGame Celebration: Set MIT team up to be pumped for the tournament.  If necessary, ask for help to set up the night before and maybe ask  for volunteers.
-Social Chairs

Registration Desk: Manning the Registration Desk the day of the  tournament.  This includes checking to make sure teams register, and  involves checking in new members.

Captain + Ref Meetings: At the beginning of the day, let Captains know  the tournament rules. (How playoffs/tie breaks work, something about  setting up a committee for protest?). Have Refs measure nets and  explain how court works. Determine how many minutes for warmup, etc.
-Tournament Director

Updating Pools: During the day, the results have to be updated (in  detail!) for each pool so we can figure out who makes out of pool play  and if there are any ties we have to deal with.
-1 person/pool

MIT Team Reg: All MIT teams will go through registration through their  team captains that day.
-Team Captains

Finances: The day of the tournament, all money needs to be collected  at the end and will go to the treasurer. Please try to keep track of  the money ppl will surely be stuffing you that day. Ideally, you  should only be receiving two things.
1) Package of tournament checks
2) Package Individual membership money.
*Note this may get complicated due to MIT membership checks.

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