Batty, Michael. The new science of cities. Mit Press, 2013. (First three chapters only)
Calvino, Italo. 1974. Invisible Cities. [1st Ed.]. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Dourish, Paul, and Genevieve Bell. Divining a digital future: Mess and mythology in ubiquitous computing. MIT Press, 2011.
Dourish, Paul, and Genevieve Bell. 2007. The Infrastructure of Experience and the Experience of Infrastructure: Meaning and Structure In Everyday Encounters With Space. Environment and Planning B Planning and Design 34, No. 3: 414-430.
Dubberly, Hugh, Paul Pangaro, and Usman Haque. "ON MODELING What is interaction?: are there different types?." interactions 16, no. 1 (2009): 69-75.
Greenfield, Adam, and Mark Shepard. 2007. Urban Computing and Its Discontents. New York N.Y. Architectural League of New York.
Maeda, John. The laws of simplicity. MIT press, 2006.
McCullough, Malcolm. 2004. Digital Ground : Architecture, Pervasive Computing, and Environmental Knowing. Cambridge Mass. MIT Press.
Mitchell, William. 2003. Me++ : The Cyborg Self and the Networked City. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.
McLuhan, Marshall. "The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (with Quentin Fiore, Harmondsworth, Allen Lane)." (1967).
Shepard, Mark. 2007. Urban Computing and Its Discontents (Situated Technologies Pamphlets, 1). The Architectural League of New York.
Shannon, Claude Elwood. "A mathematical theory of communication." ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 5, no. 1 (2001): 3-55.
Varnelis, Kazys. Networked publics. The MIT Press, 2012.
Weiser, Mark. 1991. The Computer For The 21st Century. Scientific American (September): 94-104
Wiener, Norbert. The human use of human beings: Cybernetics and society. Da Capo Press, 1954.
Grouped Readings (these each count as one):
Pask, Gordon. 1969. The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics. Architectural Design 7, No. 6: 494-496.
Haque, Usman. 2007. The Architectural Relevance of Gordon Pask. Architectural Design 77, No. 4: 54-61.
Dodge, M., & Kitchin, R. 2004. Flying through code/space: the real virtuality of air travel. Environment and Planning A, 36(2), 195–212.
McCullough, Malcolm. 2007. New Media Urbanism: Grounding Ambient Information Technology. Environment and Planning B Planning and Design 34, No. 3: 383-395.
Burke, J., D. Estrin, M. Hansen, A. Parker, N. Ramanathan, S. Reddy, and M. B Srivastava. 2006. Participatory Sensing. In World Sensor Web Workshop, 1–5.
Campbell, Andrew T., Shane B. Eisenman, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, and Ronald A. Peterson. "People-centric urban sensing." In Proceedings of the 2nd annual international workshop on Wireless internet, p. 18. ACM, 2006.
Cuff, Dana. 2003. Imminent Domain: Pervasive Computing and the Public Realm. Ed. Douglas Kelbaugh and Kit Krankel McCullough. Journal of Architectural Education 57, No. 1: 360-371.
Bleecker, Julian. 2005. A Manifesto For Networked Objects — Cohabiting With Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos In the Internet of Things. Annenberg Center For Communication: 1-17.
Weiser, Mark, and John Seely Brown. "Designing calm technology." PowerGrid Journal 1, no. 1 (1996): 75-85.
Ishii, Hiroshi, and Brygg Ullmer. "Tangible bits: towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms." In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp. 234-241. ACM, 1997.
Chignard, Simon. "ParisTech Review." A Brief History of Open Data. March 29, 2013. Accessed February 3, 2015.
"Open Source Architecture." Domus. June 15, 2011.
Anderson, Chris. 2008. "The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete." Wired.
Graham, Mark. 2012. "Big Data and the End of Theory?" The Guardian.
McCullough, M. 2006. "On the Urbanism of Locative Media." Places.
Tuters, Marc, and Kazys Varnelis. 2006. Beyond Locative Media: Giving Shape to the Internet of Things. Leonardo 39, No. 4: 357-363.
Latour, Bruno. 2004. From “Realpolitik” to “Dingpolitik” Or How to Make Things Public. Europe.
Lehrer, Jonah. “Groupthink: the brainstorming myth,” The New Yorker. Jan 30, 2012.