MINUTES February 11, 2008
MIT Society for Ocean Conservation
Secretary: Danielle Whited
Treasurer: Alex Vai
President: Alex Jordan
All voted into office without opposition/abstention
Founding Members:
Todd Morring
Ivy Huang
Tracey Hayse
Claire Nauman
Sarah McDermott
Jack Hill
Alex Vai
Danielle Whited
Alex Jordan
Aaron Thom
Alex Pitrowski
Anna Fung
Emily Moberg
(ended here as we only really needed five founding members to fulfill ASA requirements)
1) Election of officers
2) Discussion of questions for constitution formations and ASA approval
3) Approved questions for constitution formations and ASA approval
- All in favor
4) Possibility of electing a webmaster
5) Decided to wait on due setting until ASA approval
6) LINK for constitution http://web.mit.edu/jackhill/www/MITSOC/Constitution.txt
7) Survey Monkey poll to vote on official meeting times. However, meeting times could be changed if majority cannot make it. Closes Friday, pick all that you can make.
Motion to adjourn:
1st Alex Jordan
2nd Jack Hill