Nov 9 text on wiki

Team 7
protecting estuaries from eutrophication by altering agriculture from nitrogen run-off. Nitrogen soil tests (also phosphorus).
buffers (how wide? )
farming techniques for slowing run-off
wetland protection
coastal zones in US, N is biggest problem

major cause of eutrophication is pig-farming, so they gm-ed a pig in order to reduce N

mangroves help purify?

buffers-zone along water zone, 'cause all water goes to ocean.

plant more bioremediating crops, re
contour farming

eutrophication harms filter feeders; so encouraging shrimp production would help

there are things the farmers can do (reduce N, reduce run-off, reduce contaminants)
wetlands protection
estuary protection

What is the damage scope of eutrophication?

Rank or prioritize threats to global fish population?
No. Why?

Group 7 needs agricultural laws from team 6.

? for 10: what do you know about bycatch? do they all die?

group 7: does anyone know about fish stocking techniques? Are there any regulations about that?
Wasn't that not feasible b/c it might ruin the genetics of the wild pop?
prob. an ? for aquaculture.

Fish hatcheries-fish stop spawning when a dam goes up, so you need some sort of system to counteract this.

Fish nutritional research is bad (poor quality research, about fish eating stuff, not us eating fish)
Implementing a research team to find out more about fish.

Wild catc of fish has leveled off since the '80s. How do we expand the fish farming industry to meet demand?

Do we need to address eutrophication globally?

It's a nation problem that happens all over the world. UN could set standards.
How do we get countries to comply?
We have to get countires on the team, part of the solution; have reasons

Intn'l solutions and global solutions are not necessarily the same thing b/c

Team 6 will research standards. Eutrophication settled. Moving on....

Team 6 idea: require fishing vessles to carry a GPS tracking device for enforcement.
$ comes from scratching subsidies.
-getting through congress???

Tariffs raised, so people pay for the damage. But tariffs cause int'l tension, so there could be a 'fish tax'.

Subsidies result in overfishing

Conference proceeding of a UN summit on fishing-Responsible fisheries in the Marine Ecosystems at Lindgren.
-an overview of fisheries
-incorporating fisheries in marine management
-effect on genetics
plan: summarize this book and post on wiki

What if countries aren't allowed to fish in other countries, so all intn't fish would have to gotten by import/export. This would encourage countries to take care of their own waters. Land locked countries would have to import, or get their own waters, or they coud only fish in waters of countries who abide by intn'l regulations.

No penalization for fishing above quota, but you can't sell it. Also, 'quota-trading', like carbon-trading. The profit instead goes to saving the fish.

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