We need "The Environmental Case" to answer a lot of the background questions about population estimations. We did, however, consider the merits of Aquaculture. We developed these five assumptions:
- People do not eat prey fish
- Predator fish eat only prey fish
- Aquaculture happens on the coast (beacuse of access to large quantities of water) or in the sea near the coast (because of the costs associated with on land infrastructure)
- We do not want to contaminate the ocean with genetically modified species
- Aquaculture requires genetic modification or chemical/antibiotic additives
We have some concerns about aquaculture:
- What is the food supply for farmed fish?
- What locations meet the following two conditions?
- Economically viable for aquaculture
- Aquaculture will not have negative effects on the natural ecosystem
- How does aquaculture relate to genetic modification?