How do you set yourself up to learn from experience? And to act on that learning?
How do you make sure you keep getting better?
These are the key questions that frame our class sessions on February 20 and February 27.
On the 20th, we'll pair a look at after action review with a conversation about what specific practices enable ongoing learning from experience.
Themes we will address:
1) what questions should you be asking regularly? we'll draw on the procedures of after action review, and list other questions to ask after every experience
2) what then? even if you extract a "lesson" what do you do with it?
--here's where we'll ask our visitor, Paul Levy, to share his thoughts.
- How has he embedded learning and improvement into his own personal practices?
- How has he nurtured this at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center?
- How to work with everything else you have to do? Is this a question of discipline? Habits? Communicating? Hiring? Setting vision?