Third Down Play_000.apk  Instructions and version update coming soon

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  1. Unknown User (

    Hey guys, cool app!  Here's my evaluation:  6.831HW2.pdf

  2. Unknown User (

    Hey guys, here's my feedback:  Heuristic Evaluation.pdf

  3. Unknown User (

    Accidentally posted the wrong thing

  4. "Wiki presentation
    : *Note: Grading out of 60 possible points since late* No statement about which areas of the prototype are shallow or deep; no instructions (just a ""coming soon"" statement)
    Fidelity: Some unimplemented areas: detail view when clicking the buttons created for friends; The view/edit status menu.
    Usability: Serious layout problems when in landscape mode; jagged alignment of form elements -- make sure you snap to and align with a consistent grid for labels and form elements. Same goes for the ""find others"" results. Typing in some text fields causes occlusion of the UI so you can't see what is going on. No ability to leave a group. No form validation to prevent bad input. Find others result should be a list view, as per Android/iOS/mobile app standard metaphor, not a collection of buttons with text next to them.