
This is an Android mobile application, written for version 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). It may be run by installing it on a compatible Android phone, or by running it in the Android emulator available as part of the Android SDK (available from


Instructions for using the emulator are at Navigating to the application's hyperlink below from the phone's browser should allow installing the application on the phone. Once the application has been installed, it may be started by choosing "Dedice" from the launcher.

Note: To install this application, you must allow installing applications from unknown sources (under "Applications" on the settings menu).


The application is available here:

Incomplete parts of interface

  • The final choice of restaurant is not based on the criteria selected by the players.
  • Extra restaurant recommendations are based on canned data and not intelligently generated.
  • The final restaurant display screens are not completely stylized.
  • The betting screen does not allow for dragging chips between criteria (location, price, cuisine).
  • The Dedice wheel is not properly drawn for all edge cases.
  • No description or details are available for the restaurant that was chosen (this will be available when we hook the application up to an appropriate API)
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

  2. Unknown User (

    Hello team Dedice,

    I am attaching the heuristic evaluation for your awesome computer prototype, I hope you find some of my comments useful. Overall, I liked your design a lot. The only thing that puzzled me a little was the preferences screen. If you guys could make this part even better it would be amazing.




    Dedice Heuristic Evaluation - Jasinski.pdf

  3. Unknown User (


    "Wiki presentation
    : Clear, with all the necessary information included. A bit more user-centered notes could have enhanced readability.
    Fidelity: - Clean visual design. Like the dice icons and chips.
    - Game metaphors are nicely implemented. Chips, betting table, and wheel.
    Usability: - Wheel design is very well done. The interaction is fun and engaging. Can the flickering interaction be even more fun?- undo for moving chips that are already placed.- is there a game metaphor you can use to other parts of the system? e.g. for the preference setting and 'player x' display screen. - nice documentation (how to play). It can be more visual though.
    Overall: - Great work! Nice to see those game parts in action. Kudos for the switch in the general direction. It was well-worth the time and effort. I would like to encourage you to spend more time making it even more playable and engaging. Stretch even more so that the whole app experience is more like 'playing'.