GR4 - Digital Prototype: The Dress Exchange Site

Accessing the Site

The Dress Exchange - Index

Please use Firefox or Chrome - I haven't tested on Safari or IE, and I'm pretty sure IE won't play nicely with this.

What Testers Should Know

All pictures on "Buy Dresses" and "Saved Dresses" are randomized, and have no actual relationship to each other. Also the three small images below the enlarged image in the right panel are supposed to be pictures of other girls wearing the dress. This is to give the shoppers a better idea of how the dress might look on them.

The links to the next page and the color/size/style drop-down selections also randomize all four displayed dresses instead of actually sorting/selecting dresses by style. We figured the sorting was most likely beyond the scope of this assignment, and there should be enough randomized pictures of black miniskirts (or things labeled as black miniskirts) for a tester to suspend disbelief.

  • No labels


  1. Solid computer prototype. It was very usable, and while I found a few little things for you to look into, you've done a great job. I felt like sorting would really add some usability, so I decided to include it in my analysis.


    6-813 evaluation.pdf

  2. Unknown User (

    Very good prototype. I found as many things that I distinctly liked as corrections I felt there were to make. 

    I look forward to seeing the final product. 


  3. Wiki presentation: clear description of shallow parts.
    Fidelity: good: prototype covers main scenarios
    Usability: learnability: (splash screen) There's a lot of available screen real estate: homepage should have a 1 sentence desciption of what the site does.
    - (L) what are points ?
    - How do you tell how many points you'd like to sell a dress for ?
    - Add an option to search by price, and search by multi-criterion
    - Colors ""ALL"" filter is inconsistent w/ other color names: there could be a ""select all"" instead.
    - posted pictures shouldn't be displayed using a  fixed height/width ratio.
    Overall: nice stretch: this doesn't look like a vanilla e-commerce site. This is very good !