Fat Charles

Team Members

Kenny Lam, Charles Liu, Adrian Miguel

TA: Ted Benson

Problem Statement

People often look for more creative and exotic drinks at social events. Some people have a collection of ingredients, be they liquors, wines, juices, or sodas, but they don't know what to make with these ingredients. They are looking for recipes for drinks that use some or all of their ingredients. Others have come up with some recipes of their own after experimenting, and want to share their ideas with others.

Our program will allow users to input the ingredients that they have on hand and recommend a list of drinks to make, organized by some metric like popularity or difficulty. The program will also suggest additional drinks that contain a few additional ingredients if the user would like to make more purchases.

Some users may be more familiar with mixing different drinks and want to share their ideas with others. Our program would allow users to share their ideas with others, and for others to comment and make suggestions.

Users might be unfamiliar with mixing or not know what some of the ingredients are, so they may do further searches to learn more about the ingredients.

GR1 - Project Proposal and Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR5 - Implementation

GR6 - User Testing

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Nice work. It would have helped to have more consistency between how the three tasks are presented (from the standpoint of document organization). Also, though the designs were different, they all kept to a pretty similar basic template; would have been nice to see more experimentation here.