Group Members
Michael Grinich <>
Jana Yamani <>
Salman Ahmad <>
Problem Statement
The food trucks near MIT provide great food at a great price. However, it is far from an ideal eating experience. The food trucks are located near the edge of campus which is far for many MIT community members. Additionally, the food trucks are located outside which becomes inconvenient if it is cold or raining. This problem is augmented by the fact that during lunch times, the waiting lines can be very long.
Victor J Wang
gr4 comments:
"Fidelity: Looks great!
Usability: Nice affordances. +1/-1 buttons look very similar.
"Fidelity: Looks great!
Usability: Nice affordances. +1/-1 buttons look very similar.
Victor J Wang
Team GroupOrder, I have to say I've been impressed time and time again with your group's deliverables. As mentioned in your Reflection, this is a seemingly easy problem to solve for; however, I was amazed at the level of insight and thought put into making each design decision. Seems like you guys accomplished something that is actually quite hard for designers to do, which is to differentiate between what users say they want and what they actually want. Your final implementation was simply a pleasure, even delightful, to use - awesome job!