Group Members

Wesam Manassra
Arun Saigal
Gordon Wintrob

Problem Statement

IvyPlusResumes lets students manage their range of educational, professional, and personal experiences and generate polished resumes.  Beyond the formatting of a quality resume, college undergraduates dislike the hassle of maintaining a set of different versions for specific companies.  Moreover, they are often uncertain about how to best describe and organize their experience during the job search.  IvyPlusResumes serves as a tool for students to build resumes and present themselves more effectively to future employers.

GR1: Analysis

GR2: Designs

GR3: Paper Prototyping

GR4: Computer Prototyping

GR6: User Testing

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1 Comment

  1. Project Idea: This is a good area with a diverse set of problems. Make sure that you really think about how to stretch this idea in some way so that you aren't just building a website for college students – you could choose a different target group (i.e., HR professionals browsing the applicant pool), putting resume exchange on a mobile device, or constrain the tool to one industry, e.g. resume building for nonprofits, or for international jobs, or domestic jobs for international students. When we met, we talked about a timeline of activities and could be compiled into a resume. If you build this, make sure that you aren't your own user; that you're building it for others who you interview and find out what their needs are.

    Interviews: Nice work. You all had some good and interesting bits of knowledge in here. As you develop your idea, dedicate the task to one of these user types and if possible follow up with them to better understand their needs.