User 1:
Home: Able to navigate to friend's page and deal's page. Asked about how to add a friend since clicking on “My Friends” does not make sense ("Bob is not my friend at this point")
Friends page/Add Friends: Was wondering if the location mentioned was the last one updated. Didn't see an intuitive way of how to add Bob. Asked if the user could add Bob by clicking on "Friends" beside "LocaShare".
Viewing Friend page: Tried clicking on the photos to view Bob's info and info that Bob could see about Joe. When said that nothing would happen, the user tried clicking on the buttons. And was able to view appropriate information. The information displayed on the screen made perfect sense to the user. Did not understand what "Bob's LocaShare" and "My LocaShare" meant (they didn't look like clickable buttons either). And the fact that the red triangle in "Bob's LocaShare" pointed towards Joe further confused the user.
View information that Bob could see about Joe/Edit preferences: Tried clicking on Joe's photo on the home screen, which did not work. Did not understand that the textbox was a map (we hadn't put the marker on the map at that point). The user thought about writing the location names in that "textarea". Understood the rest of the controls. Also understood what the charts were conveying. Wondered whether these edits were being made only to Bob or to all friends.
Deals: Tried clicking on the box to the left of "Star Market" as it looks more like a button than an icon (we hadn't drawn the "star" in it at that point). Was able to understand the concept of categories and was able to navigate to the appropriate offer and select it. Asked whether the categories were pre-defined. Wondered if it was possible to create user-specific categories. Also, how to select multiple offers at once.
User 2:
Home: Able to navigate to friend's page and deal's page. Was not able to navigate from the home screen for the "Add Bob" task since the user was expecting an “Add friend”/”+” on the homepage. Wouldn’t expect to click on “My Friends” to add Bob as a new friend.
Friends page/Add Friends: Was able to view Bob (in friends currently near him and was also able to use the vertical alphabetical listing to spot Bob). However, while adding Bob as a friend asked why there was no feedback given about success/failure of the action.
Viewing Friend page: Asked about the difference between "Bob’s LocaShare" and "My LocaShare". Said that the user shouldn't be called "Joe" ("me" sounds more natural). Was able to understand current location and aggregate information intuitively.
View information that Bob could see about Joe/Edit preferences: Asked whether the user was adding more restrictions or removing restrictions from what Bob can see (when editing information). Asked what would happen if there was a contradiction (If the time I enter now contradicts information already present, when would Bob be able to see my location?). Mentioned that deleting (by clicking "Show"/"Hide") was possible for the aggregate information, but could do that for other details ("When/Where/What"). Initially asked what the radius would be when the user clicks on the map. Then spotted the "What" and asked if the user selects "State" level, why would the user need to select multiple locations on the map (e.g., "Stata Center", "Walker Memorial") since they're all in the same state?
Deals: Understood the concept of the notification, but said that the user was not interested in utilizing any offers right now and could click "My Deals" at a later point in time. Tried both approaches (using "My Deals" and clicking on the notification). Saw the categories and was able to easily navigate to the offers from Star Market. Tried clicking on the "Star" symbol to see the offers but was told it wouldn't work. Then asked whether the little arrow below "0.4 mi" would provide a map/directions to Star Market (since it was directly below the distance). When given an explanation that it would display the offer, the user went ahead and was able to view and select an offer.
User 3:
Home: Able to navigate to view friends and deals. However, when asked to view the information that Bob would see about Joe, tried clicking on Joe's photo and name.
Friends page/Add Friends: Saw an inconsistency in adding friends. Said that "searching" should be the same as in contacts on a cell phone (search for people in your contact list). On a cell phone (contact list), when you want to add users, you don’t search for them. Understood the vertical alphabetical listing as a scroll bar (not as a clickable mechanism). Asked if the user could add Bob by clicking on one of the "empty boxes" under "Currently Near You").
Viewing Friend page: Asked why Joe was showing up on the screen when viewing Bob's information. Was able to understand all the data presented on the screen.
View information that Bob could see about Joe/Edit preferences: Noticed the arrow that indicated that all the information shown on the screen related to Bob (using the arrow below Bob's photo). However, asked if the user could click on Joe's photo to see what Bob could see about Joe. When said that it was not possible, the user needed assistance to understand and use "My LocaShare". The "When" and "Where" made sense to the user. However, the user did not notice the search bar below the map. Asked if the user had to explicitly hide each aggregate information separately. "If I want to hide my daily/weekly and monthly stats, do I have to click "Hide" 3 times?" Also, the "neighborhood/city/state" did not convey the look of radio buttons to the user.
Deals: Was able to navigate to the deals page and understood the concept of categories. Said that the little number would indicate that she has those many # deals available. When asked to read the offer and decide whether to select it, the user was able to take appropriate action. The user also mentioned that "Select" sounded rather ambiguous. Was the user adding Star Market as a “friend”? How much/what information can they see?