Platform/Software Requirements

Our prototype was built for Chrome browsers on Windows computers. The page is a fixed size, 1200 x 737 pixels. The page is intended to fit on a large screen, so that you don't need either horizontal or vertical scrollbars from the browser.


Go to CollabDesk. You will already be logged in as 'Sally'.


Note: We used a javascript 'backend' to pre-load static messages, so if you refresh the page, any changes you've made or actions you've done will be lost.

What Should Work:
  • Clicking on a message in the left 'browse' pane should open that message for reading on the right.
  • Search queries will search the database of messages by their tags, titles, and text, and the titles of the matching messages will be shown.
  • Creating a new message or replying to a message.
What Shouldn't Work:
  • The down-chevron button in the Create pane has not been implemented to allow us to keep fixed sizing on the prototype.
  • Searching by other things like author and date has not been implemented yet.
  • Logging in/out.
  • There's no scrollbar for the 'read message' pane yet, so adding an inordinate number of replies will cause them to spill out the pane.
  • When a reply is added to a message, hashtags may be duplicated.
  • Messages don't go from 'unread' to 'read'.
  • Clearing the search automatically (you have to erase your search query instead)
  • The first reply you try to submit may not work- this feature is still being debugged.
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

    Heuristic evaluation attached. HW2.pdf

  2. Unknown User (

    Hi. Please see following for the heuristic evaluation.

     6.813 HW2 liyixin.pdf

  3. Unknown User (

    Attached is my heuristic evaluation for CollabDesk.


  4. Unknown User (

    • Wiki presentation: Great explanation of prototype depth. Note: Searching by tag doesn't seem to work, although you said it did in your wiki writeup.
    • Fidelity:
      • Good computer prototype, high fi in look for the most part.
      • Exceptions:
        • Message chain display doesn't seem totally fleshed out (lacking contrast between different info)
        • Creating a new message appears at the *bottom* of the unread list
        • None of the special icons (high priority, desk captain, note/issue) are visible in the message list.
        • Weak feedback about whether the currently open message is a note or issue.
      • Good coverage of your GR3 scenario (reading unread messages, creating messages, alerting desk captain, finding and replying to a specific issue).
    • Usability:
      • Possible safety issue with creating a new message vs. replying to a message:
        • A message is always open on the right-pane, so might not be obvious that 'Creating a new message' is unrelated to the above.
        • Conversely, might reply to something when really you want to create a new message.
        • Consider a separate button for creating a message, and an overlay/popup for editing that message. Then, the in-window message editing can be reserved for follow-ups, like in Piazza.
      • Do you want to group unread messages together? Or just visually mark messages that are unread? No date information for these right now.
      • Unclear what you can search for. Show a hint (and implement hashtag searching).
      • Related is the general question of what fields would be useful for filtering. Hashtags are one (which seems unimplemented), and you should be able to click a hashtag to filter the messages by it. Should there be any notion of unresolved vs. resolved issues?
      • During message composition, note vs. issue button may be a point of confusion. Shouldn't replace one with the other - instead, use a radio button.
      • High priority / alert desk captain icons should be more prominent in message detail view.
      • Consider a different icon for 'alert desk captain', since the envelope icon is a pretty vague one that people might try to click on. For example, maybe some kind of captain hat icon.