Platform/Software Requirements

Our application was built for Chrome browsers on Windows computers.


Go to CollabDesk

You may log in as:

  • user (pw:user)
  • Timberlake (pw:123)
  • Beyonce(pw:test)
  • Adele(pw:test)
  • Macklemore(pw:test)

Group Contribution

Divya Bajekal was mainly responsible for the reading pane. She pulled messages from the database and displayed them in the format seen in the application.

Jonathan Lui was mainly responsible for the "create message" and "reply" buttons and their functionality.

Patricia Saylor was mainly responsible for the backend, which was constructed using parse. She also helped with all of the other panes involved (read, browse, create, reply).

Benji Xie was mainly responsible for the browse pane and ensuring that the pane displayed the messages in the proper manner.

All - Helped other members on the team debug their code or help with formatting, images, etc.

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (

    Overall: CollabDesk is looking awesome, great graphic design and overall usability. Need to squash bugs and address a couple of moderate usability problems (unread grouping, safety of deleting messages), and you have a solid site.

    • Presentation:
      • Good description of problem, outlining examples of 'unusual' desk events that the system is built for.
      • A couple of window height problems during the guided tour - always practice your demo on the correct screen before presenting.
    • Usability:
      • Message List:
        • Guide the user in selecting a message from the list, when the website is first opened.
        • Unread grouping makes message locations in the list unpredictable.
          • Would recommend doing away with this, and increasing feedback about unread messages to make sure they catch the desk workers eye. 
          • Another possibility is having the initially-empty right pane encourage the users to read X unread messages, or provide a clickable button to filter by unread messages.
        • High priority icon doesn't appear in list
      • Message Creation, Viewing and Replying:
        • External consistency: In Create Message overlay, expect the button next to 'Submit' to be 'Cancel'. Clear is useful, but a cancel button should exist, in addition to being able to use the X and esc-button.
        • Newlines in message templates don't seem to take effect when posting a new message.
        • Currently selected message feedback - should appear different in the list.
        • Accessibility of reply button in the right pane, when lower down in a message chain.
      • Safety: No way to delete or edit messages or replies
    • Completeness:
      • Fixed height of overlay on small screens
      • GUI flickering when searching/filtering or opening messages
      • After searching, can't cancel the filtering.
      • Filtering by clicking tag doesn't work.