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Group Members

  • Shashank Sunkavalli (ssunkava@mit.edu) 
  • Tunde Agboola (tagboola@mit.edu)
  • Runmin Xu (rmxu@mit.edu)
  • Xola Ntumy (xntumy@mit.edu)
  • TA: Katrina Panovich

Problem Statement

Owners would like to find a playmate when they take their dogs out for walks. Currently, owners don't know of other dogs in their area that they would be comfortable having their dog play with.Their only option is to allow their dogs to meet unfamiliar dogs that they come across by chance during their walks. These dogs can be antisocial and/or aggressive. Even when they do meet friendly dogs, they find it awkward to exchange numbers and schedule meetups with owners they don't know.


GR1: Project Proposal and Analysis

GR2: Designs

GR3: Paper Prototyping

GR4: Computer Prototyping

GR5: Implementation

GR6: User Testing

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