Platform and Software Requirements

Please use Firefox when evaluating our website for best performance.

Starting up

Simply go to the following link to access our home page:

Available Features

Since this is still a work in progress, many features may be unavailable. Below is a list of available and unavailable features to expect from each of the three webpages in our website. All features that have to do with saving changes to data are unavailable. In other words, once you leave a page, your changes are not saved. In addition, account settings are not available even though there is an affordance for it at the top right.

Main Page

  • Navigation and the start new task button should work.
  • Sortable, filterable task table.
  • Clickable notifications. Note: These are randomly generated each time you refresh the web page.
  • If you hide the details of a certain task, any changes to the checklist are forgotten.

Floor Plan

  • Zooming of floor view
  • Panning of floor view via pan icon
  • Access of floor statistics
  • Multiple floor viewing
  • Color coding on all but part of one floor (Floor 2)
  • Does not bring up room information when clicking on room 
  • Auto-pan to room through auto complete (room and name)

New Task Page

  • Navigation and the start new task button should work
  • Can add task and delete task
  • Auto fill buttons on right side should work including default task, room, and search result
  • Submit button does nothing
  • MIT directory search is very limited and based off of fake data (non MIT students name). One entry you can try is for name/email: Mary Smith or ID : 1000000000 (any number from 100000000 to 1000000099) or lastname: JOHNSON.


Henke Evaluation

Arana Evaluation

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

  2. Unknown User (

  3. Unknown User (

    • Wiki presentation: Good explanation of prototype depth
    • Fidelity
      • Excellent computer prototype that seems high fidelity in look and covers all the tasks from your GR3 scenario.
      • Only thing low-fidelity in look is the activity feed, where the example updates seem incomplete (an update just has a resident's name), and the dates are not specific.
    • Usability
      • Great dynamically-filtered table of tasks. May want to add filtering buttons for move in/move out.
      • Show all button is a good idea, but users should be able to undo a filtering-button-click by unclicking it.
      • Search should maybe focus on just room numbers and resident names (which should be indicated in the "Search for XYZ" hint).
      • Instead of needing to open a task to check its subtask progress, can you show a bar that indicates how far along the move-in task is?
      • Is there a reason why the user needs to see complete tasks, and how long do they remain around for? Maybe tasks should only be visible for the last 30 days, unless the user asks for a deeper history.
      • Color coding in activity feed and in floor plan is unexplained and unlearnable. Needs a legend or some sort of explanation.
      • Future browsing of floor plan should support mouse movement to edges of the map, and keyboard arrows.
      • Task creation is fantastic, but
        • Give the user affordances that interacting with info on the right will auto-fill information on the left.
        • Subtasks should be auto-filled with defaults, instead of the user having to click 'Default'
      • No need to abbreviate ""Complete"" as ""Cmplt"" in activity feed, and timestamps everywhere should be more human-readable.
  4. Unknown User (