Using the Website
Use the following URL to access our home page:
Please use Firefox for best performance.
Individual Contributions
Sumit Gogia
Floor Plan
Used for obtaining an overview of floors in the building, including floor-wide statistics as well as positional information relevant to moving tasks.
- Floor Plan Drawing
- Visible in center of screen
- Rooms are labeled with boxes of color according to their type of relevance to the system (e.g. occupied room; legend on right of page)
- Supports panning (via panning arrows or dragging, like Google Maps)
- Supports zooming (via the slider at the top left of the drawing)
- Presents dialog with room information and task-creation ability when specific room is clicked
- Floor switchable by the button list on the left of the page
- Search
- Autocomplete room number or name
- On selection, map auto-pans to room and presents its info dialog
Daniel Martelly
Main Page
Used for viewing a filterable list of tasks.
- Filter by:
- Task status (complete or incomplete)
- Task Type
- Floor Number
- Text of your choosing
- View recent notifications about tasks with progress bar.
- Make data entries clickable with a method of quickly updating subtasks.
Used at the top of each of our web pages for consistency and navigation. I figured out many of the necessary bootstrap and css elements needed.
Viet-Tran Nguyen:
Start New Task Page:
This page is for the user to create and update the task.
Supported Features:
- Auto fill with affordances for all of the useful information.
- Pre-fill data if the user wants to update the task.
- Generate available room based on the server.
- Search for people information based on fake database.
- Submit button check for missing fields and give the user a notification and redirect the user to the main page to see the newest changes.
- Information dynamically changed for Move In and Move Out tasks.
Parse Server:
- Created API for the group to easily upload and download information from the Parse server.
1 Comment
Unknown User (
Overall: Awesome user interface for managing move-in and move-out tasks, with lots of interesting features you don't see elsewhere: progress bars for subtask completion, autofill using the MIT directory, and interactive floor plans. Very impressive stuff!