Task 1

-clicked checkbox, and then clicked ok

-not sure which pins were actually tours and which werent

-clicked one, and checked into one at random

-clicked the questions icon pretty quickly

-clicked on a question, didn’t know it was just text

-copied and pasted text into type a question field and it gets added to queue

Task 2

-clicked on the general stats icon immediately (debated between asking tour guide and clicking on general stats, but decided that the tour guide wouldn’t know this information off the top of their head)

-clicked on second circle of the circles of the graph affordance, found the information

-knew because he had seen that interface/affordance before....some component of IOS devices

Task 3

-clicked on events icon after looking quickly at his options (andre hasn’t had much trouble navigating so far...has been pretty decisive and effective)

-saw that greek event wasn’t today, so clicked right arrow soon afterwards and found it

Task 4

-wanted to click on questions or the red pins (not sure what the pins will do)

-clicked on a random red pin (btw the side panel is still open at this time)

-got stories on dome, clicked on questions and asked tour guide question about stories on business school

-received hint to explore site

-no marker on map (saw three red pins but none of them looked associated with the business school....), so he was confused

-got hint that there was more to map he wasn’t seeing....then knew to exit out of side panel, found the appropriate red pin and clicked on it

-clicked on a student picture (unsure of what would happen)....but assumed due to previous experience with other interfaces

-clicked schedule meet up button

-fill in fields...clicked schedule meeting

-as a prospective student, probably not uncomfortable with giving out phone number

Task 5

-exited out of side panel this time around (now that he was made aware of it)

-clicked on feedback icon

-knew to use the sliders as sliders

-clicked submit....then saw there were stars that he forgot to enter


-if map could become smaller, and side bar could come out so that he could improve visibility of map

-seemed structured to a lot of apps he had used previously, so it felt mostly natural

-most confusing part of the app => stories

-pins => didn’t convey quite enough

-always hesitant to touch pins because weren’t sure what they were used for the begin with (but it meant that he wasn’t confused when pins changed in function)

-liked the feedback interface, but thought stars should come after the s

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