GR4: Computer Prototyping

Project: Pitch Perfect

Prototype Platform

OS: Mac OS X

Browser: Chrome


1) Visit

Shallow Parts

  • links to recordings (i.e. Ben's Recording 1, Pokemon Theme Song) on the "Home" page under the "Hot" and "New" tabs
  • the news feed is canned
  • all songs except "The Sign" on the "Practice" and profile pages
  • the play buttons under the "Recordings" tab in the song page for "The Sign"
  • leaving a comment on the song page for "The Sign"
  • the record button for "The Sign"
  • all members except "Ben Bitdiddle" and "Anna Denkrick" on the "People" page
  • the "Inbox" page
  • the "Logout" button in the drop-down menu
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

    Here is my heuristic evaluation: HW2.pdf

  2. Unknown User (

    Looks good so far!  My email is if you have any questions.

    Here is my heuristic evaluation: HW2 Heuristic - arthivez.pdf

    (sorry, didn't add as a comment earlier.)

    P.S. I like the references to Pitch Perfect :)

  3. Wiki presentation: - It would have great if there was just a little more detail in the description of the shallow parts. But you seemed to have covered all the various shallow aspects of the system, so that's good!

    Fidelity: - Implementation covers scenario. Good!
    '- It was really good to see the songs tab, and the functionality within it (visually) presented clearly and well.
    '- Playing a placeholder song was a good touch.
    '- You seem to have covered all the important aspects of your system.
    '- The system feels like what the full implementation might actually feel like. Good!

    Usability: - Think about how the people page could be more efficient with either a search bar, or some way to quickly scroll through large lists.
    '- More contrast might be needed between the comments made and the actual post on the news feed.
    '- Some way of returning the tempo and volume on the Songs tab back to their default would be good for safety
    '- The back button on that page is a little abstract, maybe a text label?
    '- I think the biggest learnability issue is with Practice and Recording, and when they should and could be used with the Play/Record buttons (Green Arrow and Red Dot).
    '- Consider what happens when comments in the Songs Tab starts to become long and unwieldly.
    '- Not entirely clear what constitutes a General Comment
    Overall: Well done, I think you handled the various requirements of the system well inthis computer prototype.

  4. Unknown User (