dBabies Instructions
Requires: Mozilla Firefox on Mac OS
dBabies can be accessed at dbabies.herokuapp.com
Individual Contributions
Jon Trevino
Implemented the quick-add buttons and regular add buttons along with their respective features, i.e. the modals that open upon on clicking either of the button types, the functionality to add and remove buttons, addition of user uploaded images as icons.Also, I ported our initial gr4 implementation to use node.js on Heroku. Lastly, I added the responsive design of the site to allow for proper resizing of the window.
Jacqueline Valadez
Implemented the Shopping List feature which initially includes two static inputs that are removed once an item is added. Users are able to add, delete, and reorder list items. Additionally, I worked on the color scheme choices for the page.
Samuel Millington
Worked primarily on understanding the scheduler API and implementing a working scheduler that allowed for the addition of events. Additionally, I worked on the feature of highlighting the specific time of day and the scrolling automatically to current time range. Another focus for me was integrating the scheduler events to the backend via xml file.