GR4: Computer Prototype
Platform and software requirements:
Use Chrome. Tested both on Mac and Windows, works on both.
Startup instructions:
There are two versions of our software, a babysitter version and a parent version.
The babysitter version is at
The parent version is at
What should work:
As a babysitter, you should be able to edit your schedule and apply for a job.
As a parent, you should be able to create and post a job.
Interfaces for contact management, viewing / editing an already-posted job (as a parent), and viewing / editing a job you've already applied for or been accepted to (as a babysitter) are not implemented.
Feedback from presentation
Some text on the job display calendar is hard to read - choose colors with more contrast
It would be nice if you could see when you're free within jobs
Ideas for overlapping jobs: paint half the box, intensity of color can indicate how many jobs are at that time
Add key/legend to job display calendar
Add more distinguishing names for jobs (Names for jobs will actually be selected by the parents)
On the contact page - should you search by username or actual name? If username, you should also display usernames on the contact page
Unknown User (
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Unknown User (
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Unknown User (
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