In GR4, we implemented a broad but shallow version of our website. Below are some of the details.

Platform and Software:

The website was run on Chrome, on both Windows and Mac operating systems. It should be run in as close to full screen mode as possible.

It is optimized for a 15" screen, as can be seen below in these screenshots:

Starting the Prototype:

  1. Visit:
  2. You can log in with any username and password that you choose
  3. From there, you can enter votes one by one until the entire audit is complete
  4. While auditing, you can correct one mistake if needed
  5. After auditing 5 ballots, you can see the projected election results

Incomplete Dimensions:

  • The usernames and passwords are not linked to a database, so all combinations of entries (including empty strings) are accepted. This also means that the log-in page isn't personalized but will always welcome the user named "Amy" and her 5 ballots to audit.
  • Progress is not saved: once an audit is completed, the data is not saved. This means if a user logs in multiple times, s/he will have to start a new auditing process each time. 
  • Editing the previous ballot is not yet possible. Editing the current ballot is possible, however, so by testing this feature, users will get a feel for editing the previous ballot.
  • Results are static and do not reflect any entered information.
  • After entering the last race on a ballot, if the "Fix Mistake" button is clicked and the user tries to correct a race, the button panel is updated, but the ballot count number is ahead one.
  • If the user makes a mistake on the last race on the last ballot, they can't edit it. The "Cancel" button cancels submitting the results of the audit and takes the user back to the login page. 
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

  2. Unknown User (

  3. Fidelity: Great job covering your scenario!
    Usability: It would be nice if the username field immediately had focus on the login screen. There should be more contrast between race names and selected. Ballot number doesn't change from 1 to 2 until after presidential race selected-though this seems to be a tradeoff so the user has time to review the first ballot. Careful-I initially found this confusing. Perhaps the instructions for fixing mistakes could be flipped, as people unfamiliar with fixing mistakes might be asking ""How do I do XX?"" as opposed to ""What does button YY do?"". The reset button may be more immediately learnable if it was labeled ""Reset Ballot""-there seems to be enough space to accommodate this. Great color scheme!