
Alyssa P. Hacker works at the Maseeh desk during the day. She’s not associated with MIT in any way other than her job. Today she received a package for Ben Bitdiddle, which she placed in bin 3.

Three hours later Ben Bitdiddle turns up at desk and tells Alyssa that he has a package. Alyssa looks up the package and then marks the package as picked up. She then goes to the back room to retrieve Ben’s package from bin 3 and give it to Ben.

Individual Design Sketches:

Group Storyboards Designs and Analysis

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1 Comment

  1. Scenario: The scenario presented is concrete, but I did not see anything regarding leaving sticky notes or messages for the next user.
    Preliminary designs: Great work with each of your individual designs. There were some which focused on learnability, while another that focused on ultra-efficiency. I think they were varied enough to showcase creativity in the designs. They preliminary sketches were described in sufficient detail to make it obvious how it relates back to the scenario. I also liked how your synthesized storyboard designs took the good elements from each individual designs. I thought it was really well done, especially how the feedback from the studios were used to further refine the existing system design. he analysis for each esign could have benefitted from being very explicit in applying the concepts that we've learnt from class (e.g., learning by exploring, internal consistency and external consistency of widgets used compared to those used in other systems, Fitt's law in some UIs, KLM for those that require combinations of key-presses and clicks, etc.) However, I think overall it is really well done!

    Wiki Presentation: Clean and clear!