GR1 - Task Analysis

* Notes: this is the sections order in Spring 2009 class. Please follow the sections in your handout for this year.


We expect our users to be people ages 15-35 who are looking for something to do or people to meet. Their roles with respect to the website are enumerated below: 

Anonymous: Not logged in users

  • explore site and decide whether to create/log in to account

Non-member Invitees: Anonymous users who have been invited to an event by an Event Administrator

  • RSVP to event they were invited to
  • same as anonymous user

Event Browsers: Logged in users who are attending/browsing events

  • looking for event and/or people
  • looking to meet new people/do new things
  • RSVP to events
  • Friend network

Event Administrators: Logged in users who are currently managing an event.

  • have something specific in mind, require people to come to event

Tasks for Anonymous user-group

  • Navigate/explore the site
    • browse current events
    • access global, current events
    • browse map
    • look at event info
  • sign up for account
    • preconditions: have reason to believe the site will be useful for them

Tasks for Non-member Invitee user-group

  • All tasks of Anonymous user group
  • RSVP to event they were invited to
    • choose whether to receive notifications about event
    • preconditions: event/user code or direct link from email
  • Update responses to event they were invited to
    • preconditions: event/user code or direct link from email

Tasks for Browser user-group

  • All tasks of Anonymous user group
  • Log in
    • enter in user name and password, or connect with facebook
    • preconditions: email, password
  • Friend/connect with people
    • browse friends
    • see info of friends (including event info)
    • make new friends
    • Private message other Browsers
    • preconditions: know name/username of person they want to connect with
  • Update profile
    • Modify personal information (Name, DOB, picture, etc.)
    • Set privacy settings
    • Set filters (e.g. location-based filters)
    • link profile with 3rd party social networking sites
  • Create events (become Event Administrator)
  • Receive/respond to invitations
    • read information about event
    • RSVP to private event
  • Ignore users/events
    • preconditions: know name/have link of user or event to ignore
  • Help with events
    • Comment/make suggestions about events
    • volunteer to become event administrator
    • volunteer to bring things (cups, plates, etc.) to event
    • preconditions: event link
  • Receive notifications
    • preconditions: preferred method of contact

Tasks for Event Administrator user-group

  • All tasks of Browser user group
  • Edit/administrate an event
    • Modify details of an event (time, location, name, etc.)
    • preconditions: create an event or invited to administrate event
  • Connect with event-related people
    • Invite users to attend event
    • Send notifications to attendees of event
    • Invite others to be administrators
    • delegate tasks to attendees/administrators (e.g. who's bringing the cups/plates, drinks, etc.)
    • preconditions: administrating that event, know people want to connect to

Domain Analysis

  • No labels

1 Comment

    • Your tasks aren't really specific enough, many of them are really more like groups of tasks, e.g. "help with events"
    • I would try to focus on the core functionality of your idea, and remove some of the extraneous features that you describe in the task analysis
    • Some missing preconditions from your task analysis
    • No evidence of interviews with actual users

    Overall, I'd like to see a clearer picture of what you actually want to build. Identify a few key use cases, and really figure out how those flows will work.