The only part of the website that is shallow/incomplete are fandoms.  We currently do not allow the user to modify what fandoms (essentially tags or genres) their story belongs to.  Everything else is serving actual data and should respond like a real website.  As a side note, please do not judge the layout of the story text itself too harshly, as that is generated by users instead of the website designers.

If you wish to test editing features, you will need to register a new user.

We would recommend using Google Chrome. (note: there have been some problems with the database.  If you go to the page and it looks mostly blank, email to resolve the issue.)

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (

    elegant and clean :)
    a few areas for improvement (we talked about most of these, but here they are again anyway):
    - my biggest concern is, how will users will know how their story has changed while they've been away. I feel like if I were a user writing a story collaboratively, I would want to know what my collaborators had done, somehow.
    - the "moderate" permission is a bit confusing (I think you're changing it to "admin", which makes for sense)
    - The two "add section" buttons when you first start a story are confusing. Some alternatives -- you could add some story content saying "Insert story here", and then when they click on it, they can edit it.
    - in fact, for people who can edit a story, why do they need an "add section" button? why can't they just click on the main body of text and append text to the end of it?
    - in fact, perhaps when people who can only add stuff to the end click the main body of text (as if to edit it), they get a textbox at the end, showing that they can only add stuff at the end (which is what "add section" does right now)
    - it was not immediately obvious to me how to say that I'm done adding a section. The little save icon in the text toolbar does not stand out. I would recommend adding an alternative button in the bottom right (sortof where an "add section" button would be, that says something like "done" or "save", maybe with a "cancel" button next to it)